Juxtaposing Social Theory by Wendt with Theory by Waltz in IRJuly 7, 2023February 21, 2025Book Review, International Affairs
Review of Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and The Last ManJune 23, 2023February 21, 2025Book Review
Review of Abhishek Choudhary’s Vajpayee: The Ascent of the Hindu Right, 1927-1977June 22, 2023February 21, 2025Book Review, Politics and Society
Review of G. John Ikenberry’s A World Safe for DemocracyJune 16, 2023February 21, 2025Book Review, International Affairs
Review of Arkotong Longkumer’s The Greater India Experiment: Hindutva and the NortheastJune 7, 2023February 21, 2025Book Review, Politics and Society
Review of Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson’s Why Nations Fail: The Origin of Power, Prosperity and PovertyApril 1, 2023February 21, 2025Book Review
Review of Arash Pashakhanlou’s Realism and Fear in International RelationsJuly 30, 2022February 21, 2025Book Review
Review of Francis Fukuyama’s Identity: The Demand for Dignity and Politics of ResentmentJuly 18, 2021February 21, 2025Book Review
Review of John Holloway’s Change the World Without Taking PowerOctober 1, 2020February 21, 2025Book Review
Review of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste: The Lies That Divide UsSeptember 27, 2020February 21, 2025Book Review