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Hello there!

My name is Adarsh Badri, and I’m an Indian blogger and a PhD student in International Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Earlier, I had completed my PhD coursework requirement at the Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament (CIPOD) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. I hold a Master’s in Political Science at the University of Delhi, India.

My PhD research looks at the role of emotions and affect in the making of a postcolonial nation-state. My other research interests include identity, postcolonialism, IR theory, and foreign policy, with a focus on South Asia.

[check my CV here for a detailed academic background]

Now, about this blog!

I began writing essays and blogposts during my graduation days, despite all my routine inconsistencies. Initially, I used to write about identity, caste/class binaries, feelings, society, and politics. However, over the last year, I have structured my blog entries to help peers and friends doing a PhD in social sciences along with writing several book reviews as a monthly feature.

When I’m not writing, I’m generally sketching in the art book, binge-watching crime thrillers on Netflix, or admiring George Orwell!

You may reach out to me via Instagram @adarshbadri, Twitter @adarsh_badri, or email me at [email protected].

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